" If you think that possibly, permanently altering the body, one is born with is being "oneself," why shouldn't the other types of overt plastic surgery or over the top steroid taking or anorexia also get a pass?"
Again, I am not the one shouting from the rooftops about how we need to stop these operations -- you are, but only exclusively when it concerns transgender healthcare.
I was pointing out the hypocrisy... The fact that you care so fervently about transgender children getting surgeries, which is uncommon and has a low regret rate -- yet preach no words against breast augmentation, as an example -- with a much higher regret rate and with much more minors partaking in it.
I think that both of these point to a broader problem with society. Transgender people need HRT to function in society because we live in a society which is aggressively gender rigid and assigns that gender rigidity to sex. --
We live in a world where women used to be the properties of men, and where a bold line of division was drawn between what is male and female. While we might live in a world where society has propagated those ideas, they do not reflect the reality.
In reality, people are eternally varied; we had a complicated sexual evolution in which we went from asexual to hermaphroditic to dimorphic reproduction, it isn't simple and evolution has thousands of divergences.
Of course it is not ideal, but the only solution to that problem, one where it is rigidly enforced that your secondary sexual characteristics correspond with your gender identity and you have a different identity to what they have corresponded to your sex, is to present as the opposite sex so that you can express your gender through the gender identity that is associated with that sex.
The problem isn't the sex, it is all of the items and expectations that our version of human society has placed around the sex. The sex is just connected to those items from day one
To apply your human category over that and then get mad whenever people don't fit into it is completely ridiculous -- and is the foundational basis for your entire argument.
" But why the great need to tell the world your gender orientation and that now, you are in the rainbow club?"
I don't know what you're talking about. You don't think straight people ever inform others they are straight? This is nonsense you guys always say and honestly it is just so stupid.
Why do you care so much whether or not someone says they are " in a club?"
Why does it make you mad for someone to be part of LGBTQ...? Because clearly that bothers you for some reason? Or people informing you of being LGBTQ bothers you?
You know what -- I am giving more energy to this than I should. You're not going to change your mind. If my words haven't already opened your eyes, I am embarrassed for you and maybe I will just leave it at that.
Maybe try doing the reading next time, you need it.