I've given you all of the evidence I can give you. If you want to continue to deny reality and act like there is a serious threat of racism to white people and this is somehow universally agreed on by everyone on the left as a good thing then be my guest, just quit doing it under my post -- and quit using as an argument against this article, because it isn't one... Like at all. What other people on the left is irrelevant to the conversation. Have you not noticed how about 5 times in the article I mentioned why that exactly is irrelevant and a stupid reason to change your political views?
People like you want to imagine something that isn't there. Our defense of minorities is because minorities face systemic challenges in our countries and we want to fix that. The fervent racism that has been on display in the past 4 years or so is not helping. Yet you pretend there's nothing wrong with it -- in fact you take the opposite stance and instead target the people trying to stop it. Like yeah the anti-racists are totally the problem, not the racists. Genius. White people are persecuted despite white men holding like 60 percent of public office. I don't even have civil rights.
You oppose the very movement that is set to bring about my civil rights and systemic equity for people of color. For that, you disgust me, honestly, so I'm not really sure why you are here. Why you are here making anecdotal fallacy arguments, even after I just explained that you were making anecdotal arguments.
And no, just because you interpret the definition differently doesn't mean that the definition changes. My main point, anyway, was that it doesn't matter -- you can find anyone saying anything this doesn't suddenly mean it is a policy the entire left is pushing, just like the entire right isn't pushing the genocide of Jewish people. It's just a silly, ridiculous argument to make.
" Oh, well don't you believe the Jews control everything? Isn't that a right wing belief? I could send you videos of tons of right wing people saying it, does this mean everyone on the right believes it." It's dancing.
Again, I want a real argument -- like an argument to one of my points. Otherwise you are literally just wasting my time. I won't continue to have my time wasted. I'm tired of typing replies that are just spinning wheels and not getting anywhere because you are SO STUBBORN in your disbelief of anti-prejudice movements that no matter what I say you will bring another fallacy or useless thing to the argument.
Your two things were: A. I said I didn't know what woke was, and then asserted it was, CORRECTLY, and then you complained about that so much that you genuinely thought it was useful to edit your previous comment and put my intention into it? The silliest part of this was the fact that I never even made an argument against " anti-woke," I made arguments against the things they described as anti-woke. As I've stated literally 8 times but still you continue to reply and waste my time with the subject.
And then B. The topic of being racist to white people. I already agree that you can be racist to white people, so why are we arguing that point??? If I explicitly stated in the article I did not believe it? And then your argument against the fact that I stated that is " other people on the left have said it" like ??? Okay??? How is that relevant at all??
It isn't, is the answer.
It's the exact same as if I started debating any of the things you don't believe in on the right while knowing you don't believe them, and then citing that other people on the right believe it to prove you wrong. It is an entirely ridiculous line of thinking.
I'm having a lot of trouble not insulting your intelligence, honestly. It just puzzles me how I could reiterate the same thing over and over and get the same robotic responses. It's almost like you aren't reading them or anything.
And literally all of your arguments are fallacies or nonsense so it's just annoying.