My article discussed why you cannot make someone be transgender. My article discussed why a slight increase in the amount of transgender people does not warrant cause for alarm... I present this alongside the evidence that transgender people have different biology and there are more transgender people in regions which are more supportive of their rights. Your response to my article was to provide an anecdote that was contrary to this fact, which the data has demonstrated. I don't understand how you are then going to try and backtrack and say that this was not an attempt at debating the points made in the article. Doesn't make any sense.
By the way, women make up 51-percent of news anchors, slight majority. You cite the reason why as being " for p.c.'s sake," but have you never considered that the ratings go up whenever they have women present the news...??
I'm going to include my responses to your other words for the sake of making this all easier.
" I know zero people trying to wipe transgenders off the face of the earth.?"
Well, I might be more privy to see it as I am quite fearful of legislation outlawing me where I live, but this really is not that unpopular of a thing, so I don't understand how you are saying zero people believe in it. You don't have to search very far on the internet to find it. Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Candace Owens, Tucker Carlson, all some of the biggest names in right-wing media and all support this, so it isn't really very fringe and can definitely be heard quite easily.
I am not trying to insinuate that YOU believe this, I am trying to insinuate that the same things you are saying do the damage that allow this platform to exist.
It is kind of like if you were in the Nuremberg trials and said " Well, I didn't think we should put them into concentration camps -- that wasn't me," but at the same time you were spreading antisemitic propaganda right before.
Just because you might not believe we should be eliminated does not mean that promoting the idea that we are " indoctrinating people to become transgender," and creating a social contagion is not harmful.
And never, not once, said or insinuated there is a problem with transgender people. I have a feeling you read what I wrote and only saw what you wanted to see, instead of taking it at face value from the words only. By pointing out that some trans people have flaws, I was humanizing them! Humans have flaws. Trans people have flaws. Cis people have flaws. Labels do not exempt anyone from having human traits; good and bad ones. I did this because your words do not consider the possibility that any trans person, could be a person. They are a victim only. But I see people—people who can all feel happiness, sadness, hatred, love, joy, jealousy, resentment, anger, betrayal, victims and perpetrators. They are the same as anyone else, which means they are capable of beautiful things and awful things alike.
Since when did you say anything about transgender people having flaws? What I recall reading is you saying that transgender people are choosing to be transgender, and that it was completely possible to convince someone to be transgender -- giving credence to the idea that this is all in our head -- the very idea that has been proven false and also is used by these same people to promote making it illegal to be us.
Really, remind me when exactly it is that I proclaimed transgender people can only be victims? What this discussion has been about is literally whether or not we as a society should support transgender people. That is literally the topic at hand, whether or not we should stop transgender people from existing and treat them in a non-affirming away because they could be the product of " social contagion."
You would get along much better in conversation if you stopped doing that. But by insinuating what you “think” or “know” is being “said”, you lose all context of conversation and end up having one with yourself. It’s almost as if you came to the conversation—already offended—before even hearing what I had to say. Without an open mind to consider another persons views, and I’m sorry to say it, is narrow minded.
It doesn't matter if you hold a negative view of transgender people or not, the idea that you can just change someone's entire gender is a transphobic view. It is transphobic because it, once again, implies that this is a choice and also -- IRRATIONAL -- because it doesn't make any sense with any basic thought patterns whatsoever.
I wonder why; I wonder why it might be that a transgender person might come into a conversation angry, or offended, whenever someone implies that they have chosen to be transgender. I wonder why someone would get annoyed when someone expresses that my mere existence could possibly convert someone into me. If you were black, would you be offended if someone said that you were going to make someone black just by hanging out with them?
I have an open mind, do you know what changes my mind? Data, facts, reasoning, real tangible evidence. But you are underneath an article which is a defense of my minority population group expressing your contrary views to that defense of my minority population group -- without any real facts or evidence. So I don't understand where you can get off saying I am not open-minded, since apparently all of the evidence I have given you has meant nothing inside of your brain, and you are expecting me to change my stance on my minority population group by simply stating some anecdote about some friend you had.
You lashed out at me as if I was slandering your name and I did nothing of the sort. I spoke from my personal experiences and information I received from my brother, who is gay, but is part of entire trans community in Seattle Washington. He doesn’t consider himself trans, But even if he did I wouldn’t care. I love him. He’s one of my best friends. He is a gay man who has over 30 pairs of stilettos and a wardrobe any woman would die for.
I am sorry. But, specifically it really made me angry when you used this " chose to" language -- as if transgender people have a choice. That narrative makes me angry because I deal with it everyday in my personal life.
I know that everything is subjective; you see this through your own lens. But try to have some empathy for the fact that these sorts of narratives cause harm in my daily life and make the world more dangerous for me and others like me.
But you took it upon yourself to twist and turn my words to meet your expectations and get some sort of satisfaction out of making yourself angry over something that I never said. Then immediate afterward you lumped me into a category you deem to be your enemy and dismissed every word I said based on your notion.
I have never once twisted your words. I have argued directly with your points and directly with what you have said. I dismissed your words based on the fact that they were not evidence, I was expecting at least some real information, because this is an informative article -- the point here is to spread information, not listen to stories from random people's personal lives in order to attempt to invalidate the reality of the statistics.
And again, while I am not insinuating that you want to eradicate transgender people (literally the exact words of the people who want to,) I am insinuating that the same talking points you are using are being used are being used in attempts to eradicate transgender people.
And you are blindly asserting those talking points, that do serious damage to my social group, with no evidence... Just like the rest of them, so what am I supposed to think???
But if you took the time to calm yourself down. Consider that not everyone in the world is coming to get you, and open your mind to attempt to understand different veiw points, instead of automatically labeling them as false, you may realize that behind all of the information you receive everyday fueling your anger and hatred for the world, there is beauty and understanding. There are humans. And when it comes to humanity, everyone is flawed. Everyone is a subject of their environment. And everyone suffers from sort of ignorance—especially concerning the lives of others.
I don't automatically label anything as false. As I have expressed time and time again; stories are not evidence. Your viewpoint isn't true just because you say it is. For example, when you say (from your initial response)...:
I’m not saying your trans because of a trend. I’m not saying you didn’t have good reason to change yourself to fit in. I’m saying that your reasons and others peoples reasons for changing themselves can be different. Yours was to avoid psychologically torture from others.
But people change themselves for many reasons. Maybe they want to see what all the fuss it about. Maybe they want attention and they don’t care if it’s negative or positive. Maybe they see it all over the internet and think “I want to be like that.” Maybe they think it’s the new thing. Or Maybe their really transgender.
... you are trying to say that " transgender people change their gender for many different reasons." That is a bold claim, about a social group you are not part of and probably know very little about.... So where is the evidence to back up this claim? You say they might do it for attention, where is the study that says " x percentage of transgender people transition for attention."
There is no study because this is not a fact, you are just asserting something about an entire group of people with no base to the claim whatsoever. Not only that, but an extremely small minority population that doesn't have ANY civil rights in half the country. It is dangerous.
How can you possibly expect anyone to get behind you (not trans people, YOU, because you are your own individual, And I’ m not going to view the entire trans community of PEOPLE based on our interaction) when you view people the same way you view data.
I have plenty of personal experience blog posts, this is not one of them. When it comes to me disproving an assertion about transgender people, all that matters is data... Because this is how we discern whether or not things are true in the Social Sciences. That is kind of how the whole thing works, is data.
Honest Conversation and debate is not about their ending, they never really end, there is always more to talk about. It’s also not about outwitting the other person like it’s a game of chess. It’s about learning. About trying to understand another persons viewpoint while also communicating yours so both people come to terms with their own flaws and viewpoints. It’s about respect.
Debate is about the end. It is about the conclusion, otherwise there is no point to the discourse. You keep saying viewpoint, as if there can be different viewpoints to this. There can't. That's not what a viewpoint is. A viewpoint isn't a fact about a population of people. It isn't a viewpoint to say " many transgender people might transition for attention," that's not a viewpoint, it is a statement. It is a statement that is provably false. If you want to share experiences, you use " in my experience..." especially when it comes to something that can so easily cause harm.
But then Again you thought we were arguing. So no wonder you reacted the way you did. So we were both communicating under false assumptions from the start. I thought you were capable of having a calm and critical critique about viewpoints including your own. I thought you were trying to understand how others think because of your critique about joe Rogan. But I was wrong. You are stuck in your ways and that is that. Regardless of the words said, you will think something else is said. Again I’m sorry I wasn’t able to communicate well enough for you to understand. I am sorry you think I am trying to destroy your life. I am truly not.
What was stated in the article was not a " viewpoint," what you responded with was not a " viewpoint". In the article, I discuss the reality of how transgender people fit into society and the reality of transgender statistics through the scope of the global word -- expressing that if anything, we do not have enough transgender people in the United States and this is reflexive of how we treat transgender people.
"I thought you were trying to understand how others think because of your critique about joe Rogan. But I was wrong. You are stuck in your ways and that is that. "
Who is stuck in their ways, the person who has done their research, and convened a multitude of evidence that demonstrates why they believe what they believe, or the person who is blindly asserting things about a social group, probably because of some preconceived notion they have of that social group. For example, if all research into transgender people and their brains points to a biological difference between them and cisgender people of the same sex, then why do you still believe that people can choose to be transgender?
"Regardless of the words said, you will think something else is said. Again I’m sorry I wasn’t able to communicate well enough for you to understand. I am sorry you think I am trying to destroy your life. I am truly not. "
Remind me when exactly I argued a point that you did not say? All I ever expressed is that the same things you are saying are being used to enact legislation against me. They are being used as a weapon, and you are wielding that weapon. If I was in a tribe that exclusively used spears and we were at war with a tribe that used exclusively bows, if you came over the hill with a bow and a quiver -- yes, I would perceive you to be part of that tribe and perceive you to be my enemy.
You can try to frame this as me " not being open-minded," but you have presented no contrary evidence whatsoever and I have -- so it really doesn't work.
But just as a reassurance, our interaction won’t change that either. I’m not going to try and destroy an entire group of people because of one small interaction. I don’t assume all trans people are irrational because one trans person is. I know people people are individuals and they do not represent anyone but themself. I don’t punish others for the actions of one person.
Labeling people creates this false sense of unity between people and it’s one of the most socially destructive practices to date.
You can say anyone is irrational; in fact you can say anything, as you have many times in this conversation. It doesn't make things true. I am looking for facts, not words.
And yeah, clap clap for not wanting to get rid of a marginalized group -- somehow that's something you have to state, which maybe should clue you in on a few things.
On the front of labeling things, this is kind of how data and human interpretation works. Everything has to be labeled. The only people who think being under a label means you are the same is prejudice people. There are literally right-wing transgender people who believe in transgender indoctrination while simultaneously saying that they knew they were transgender when they were 5 years old. Of course no population is homogenized.
You don’t know everything. And neither do I. That is how you should always come to a conversation instead of thinking you are the smartest person in the room and the only one with life experiences that matter. If you continue to keep a negative mentality toward people, you will have a lonely journey. But I hope you don’t. I hope you find it in yourself to listen, and critique yourself as much as as you critique others. I hope you find happiness from the good in other people and yourself. I hope life takes you on a journey filled with personal reflection, and unexpected friendships that open your heart to feel the love every person in the world deserves to experience. I hope your able to let go of your ego that holds you back from small joys like appreciation and acceptance. I hope all of this for you because your a person.
Dear god -- there are some life experiences in the article, yes, but " you cannot change your gender, it is an immutable characteristic of oneself, all that can change is the presentation" and " there are more transgender people in areas where transgender acceptance is more prevalent, so the two directly correlate, and this is what we are seeing in the United States" are not experiences, they are provable facts with data behind them. " some transgender people transition for attention" or " ... they might choose to be transgender ..." are not experiences, either. They are bigoted attempts at " facts" about transgender people that are provably inaccurate and have no data whatsoever to support them. In fact, the data supports the contrary.
If you presented ANY evidence that was contrary to my view, and the evidence was verifiable, then I would change my position. You can't possibly expect me to completely change my mind on something while presenting no evidence for me to change my mind with?? And then claim I am not open-minded because I don't believe in your ridiculous assertions about my social group that are directly contradictory to all of the data on those assertions.
And that’s it that is all I’m going to say. I don’t think our conversation could go much farther. I don’t agree nor disagree with anything you said, because you misunderstood what I was saying.
. Perhaps I misunderstood you as well. All that means is there was zero progress for either of us and we are exactly where we were before.
Because you actually have to bring something to the table for something to change. You cannot blindly assert something and expect it to contribute to a conversation about a population group.
Let's say we wanted to have a conversation about black people having unequal wealth in the United States. If I said " well the reason this is the case is because black people are more lazy than white people," that wouldn't be an experience, or evidence, that would just be my personal, racist, view on black people. It would also be contrary to evidence that shows exactly the opposite.
You are doing the same exact thing, you just don't realize it because (right now, at least) it is easier to be transphobic than it is to be racist.
Again, sorry for being a bitch, but I don't have to be nice to someone who is saying ridiculous things about me or my sisters as if they are fact with no factual basis whatsoever.