Nope, honestly I have kind of tuned out a lot of the press on this topic, I just remember opening Facebook one day and seeing transphobic post after transphobic post. Some of them were genuinely very very messed up... One that comes to mind almost has a trauma effect in my brain with the way I visually remember distinct parts of the little video I watched. I wasn't so much traumatized, as completely appalled. It was some meme template where they were laughing at the Trevor project's study on disproprortionate sexual assaults, suicide rates, and domestic violence.
I just thought it was completely insane and almost ... inhuman to laugh at. Anyway, that was a bit off topic, I just remembered the post and it brought me back. I was aware of the rules before they made these modifications, as the rules were in existence.
They upped 12 months to now 2 and half years. I think that might be a little steep, especially adding the half a year in there, but yes I did agree with increasing this, just very moderately and with a Scientifc approach.
2 and a half years seems a little random though. Part of the problem is that everyone's bodys interact with hormones differently.
That is horrible to hear about FINA, and I will take a look into your articles, thanks for sharing!