Of course, abstraction and methods always has the ability to use methods unexpectedly.
E.g. Inheritance could certainly derive a similar unintended behavior, and of course this is what overloading is for. I would say the main reason this is concerning more-so is because the methods aren't part of the object, but the functions. They are certainly disconnected.
Of course, there is no inheritance of attributes, a key distinction is that it is hard to know what fields or methods abstract types have in common.
Things are also a little different though, as the methods are not part of the types but part of the functions -- most functions are not written super generically in Julia.
julia> methods(filter)
# 10 methods for generic function "filter" from Base:
[1] filter(f)
@ array.jl:2690
[2] filter(f, t::Tuple)
@ tuple.jl:440
[3] filter(f, a::Array{T, N}) where {T, N}
@ array.jl:2605
[4] filter(f, d::AbstractDict)
@ abstractdict.jl:471
[5] filter(f, Bs::BitArray)
@ bitarray.jl:1823
[6] filter(f, a::AbstractArray)
@ array.jl:2617
[7] filter(pred, s::AbstractSet)
@ abstractset.jl:489
[8] filter(f, s::Union{SubString{String}, String})
@ strings/substring.jl:268
[9] filter(f, s::AbstractString)
@ strings/basic.jl:634
[10] filter(f, itr::Base.SkipMissing{<:AbstractArray})
@ missing.jl:393
julia> using DataFrames
julia> methods(filter)
# 10 methods for generic function "filter" from Base:
[1] filter(f)
@ array.jl:2690
[2] filter(f, t::Tuple)
[19] filter(f, s::AbstractString)
@ strings/basic.jl:634
[20] filter(f, itr::Base.SkipMissing{<:AbstractArray})
@ missing.jl:393
[21] filter(f, a::SentinelArrays.ChainedVector{T, A} where A<:AbstractVector{T}) where T
@ SentinelArrays ~/.julia/packages/SentinelArrays/1kRo4/src/chainedvector.jl:907
[22] filter(f, a::AbstractArray)
@ array.jl:2617
[23] filter(f, gdf::GroupedDataFrame; ungroup)
@ DataFrames ~/.julia/packages/DataFrames/58MUJ/src/groupeddataframe/groupeddataframe.jl:1181
[24] filter(f, df::AbstractDataFrame; view)
@ DataFrames ~/.julia/packages/DataFrames/58MUJ/src/abstractdataframe/abstractdataframe.jl:1188
Above, the methods are pretty direct and describe a certain area of the type system -- anything that differs of course would have a different Method to go along with its implementation.
I think part of the reason I would say this is not high coupling is because methods are still heavily utilized alongside abstraction; the tools are there to prevent high coupling, someone not using them is no fault of your language.
To your concern, though, yes it is the design -- the downside you mentioned is certainly noteworthy -- it is certainly possible to be calling the wrong method, a lot more so than typical of using inheritance. One counter-balance to this is introspection. Julia also has a robust type system to help facilitate this paradigm and abstraction system... but also, it is ultimately a design choice -- it provides advantages and disadvantages, like any design choice.
I don't disagree, but it seems to work great for me!