" Paternity fraud, and false accusations go hand and hand misandrist. " I am married, not really a misandrist. Quite the opposite, I am attracted to masculinity... This has nothing to do with men, and has everything to do with a toxic social role for men which has been defined as the established normal by patriarchy.
" Using laws in place to assassinate men in the guise of feminism. "
What laws, specifically, are there that target men? What laws could you possibly be talking about?
" Well done. "girl bossing" your way to menopause and your generation's ultimate destruction. "
I don't really understand... I guess there is just no substance to this portion that I can really respond to...
" Priceless. Your population is declining, surly the influx of immigrants will help."
How is " my population declining?" There are 8 billion people on Earth, the number goes up every year... It isn't declining.
Or do you mean... My race? Unfortunately, I am educated so I understand that races are not species, but races; the way of evolution is for people to breed with who they are attracted to. " My" population isn't decreasing because it is " becoming more brown," because I don't care if people are brown, white, or black in the future. I could care less.
" borders" are just lines on some page that a bunch of guys hundreds of years ago drew out to plot their economic ventures on the land. I don't care who crosses an imaginary line.
" Too bad men are smarter than you and bought passports. Oops. Fight your own wars BITCH."
Again, don't really know how to respond... this is just kind of childish ...