Stephanie, honey
Please read the rest of the article.
I am transgender, so asking me to leave my own community alone is a bit of an anomaly. I was seeking to provide context to both parts of the argument, before explaining why the argument against gender affirming bathrooms is a ridiculous argument in the first place.
Honestly, I think you'd really like the final section. And also, I never claimed that either of the stories cited involved anyone pretending to be a gender, I primarily cite them as the news portraying this as some apocalypse event.
I hope that can help to give you a bit of insight, I actually had the thought while writing the piece that some people would perceive me to the conservative side when I was writing the first couple paragraphs.
I was really just seeking to provide a neutral insight into what both sides are saying, saying this is their concern, and this is the other side's concern.
A little bit of background on why I am so passionate, and wanted to write about this topic. I am a 22-year old transgender woman who began living my life as a woman toward the end of the year after I turned 18. I've been on and off of HRT in that period. Around a year ago, I awoke one morning to a loud banging at my door, my landlord, yelling transphobic slurs calling me a " tranny" and a " sissy." Well, the next day I was served a summons to appear in court for an eviction hearing.
This was a bit of a shock, I had only been a week late on rent once, due to just getting paid a little later at that time, and I was never loud or anything like that.
In court, they painted a picture of me as a crossdressing sex fein weirdo. I'm actually pretty close to being ace (though I wouldn't say I am, just largely uncomfortable with sex), so these claims were completely unfounded.
Anyway, to my astonishment, the judge did in fact approve of the eviction. Turns out that there is no legal protection against transgender discrimination in Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Oklahoma -- literally a ton. You can be evicted for your transgender identity, and chances are pretty high that a conservative judge will approve such an order.
So long story short, I got evicted. After which, it has been incredibly hard to get essentially anywhere as far as renting goes.
That's pretty much the reason that I wanted to kind of start talking about this topic.. It really disgusts me that we have places like that in my country. And with the amount of other transgender people I have met in these states, it's incredibly sad that these people don't even have basic civil rights.
I was hoping to shed light on the issue, maybe get more people outraged, and maybe change a few minds as far as the " what is a woman" and "trans panic" people of the Earth by presenting a more logical and Scientific view of the situation, as I am a Scientist by nature.
I'm sorry I hurt you, m'lady. I'll go back to writing about Science exclusively, I'm sorry.