That's my point though, we are talking about correlation and causation, gender cannot cause because it is associated with something imaginary created by humans to surround the idea of sex, partially in order to oppress women with different social standards, it cannot be intrinsic to sex -- it is a social construct. Like the idea that " guys are into cars, girls are into dolls" is entirely made up and fabricated ideas; reality is a lot of people could get into cars who don't because the social standards don't force them to get involved in cars. Tons of women are interested in being engineers. All of this is made up and slowly is changing over time. It used to be unacceptable for a woman to be outside in a bikini, how can you possibly ignore this one simple fact? So yes, gender is correlated to sex because sex homogeneity is collectively enforced by the broader system of people. These things are so obvious. But it is not the true nature of people, everyone's genetics are just fluid individual beauty prints -- we aren't categories, people need to stop believing in eachother this way because it only harms people.
I don't understand why you're so obsessed with it that you're going to lengths to deny it like it matters. We need to all just be ourselves get over our differences and handle things like adults, a 20 year old used to be an elder tribe member -- don't you want to perpetuate what is best for people in the world? Just be you.