To be clear, I did not exactly think that Python was better than Julia when writing this article. My statement is more like, here are some advantages to using Julia vs. Python. There is actually a counter to this article which lists five advantages Julia has to Python here.
As spaceLem pointed out, there are strengths and weaknesses to each language. I am a Data Scientist, and the article is published on Towards Data Science, so I often assume that my readers are considering my views from a Data Science perspective. That being said, when it comes to Data Science, Julia is only going to get better and is definitely a better language for that application.
That being said, there are still tons of great uses for Python. However, really there usually is not a good reason it could not be Julia, it is just already there and people know it — so it just works.
I believe all of the points made in this article still stand, but the ecosystem of Julia has matured exponentially since it was written. Hope this was helpful.